When you are finished, click the Queue button.

Working with Adobe Media Encoder

When you click the Queue button in Premiere Pro, Adobe Media Encoder will open up.
Adobe Media Encoder to create your video for whatever screen size and resolution you need and offers tools to allow you to publish your video across different browsers and devices. In addition, when you export a file from Premiere Pro, Adobe Media Encoder can encode that single file to multiple outputs – all at the same time. It can also set up watch folders, which we will learn about later.
For now, let's take a look at Adobe Media Encoder:

Adobe Media Encoder has four windows:
1. Queue is in the upper left corner. It lists the files that are in queue for coding.
2. The Preset Browser is in the upper right hand corner. It contains the same presets as the Export Settings dialogue box in Premiere Pro. However, they are in different folders.
3. The Encoding Window is on the bottom left. It will tell you if there are problems with the encoding.
4. Watch Folders is located on the bottom right. This contains watch folders that you have created.

Setting Your Preferences

To set preferences, go to Edit>Preferences.
Go to the General tab.

If you do not want to have to manually start each queue, make sure 'Start queue automatically when idle for' is checked.
You can also disable parallel encoding, which is encoding to multiple outputs. If you have a slower machine, you may want to disable this.
In addition, you can select a file location for all encoded files. If you do not, they will be stored with the source video clip.

Starting an Encoded Queue

To start an encoded queue, click the Start Queue button in the Queue window, as circled below.

Adding Presets to Queued Files

To add a preset to a queued file, go to the Preset Browser. Find the preset that you want, then drag the preset onto the queued file.
You can add as many as you want. The queued files will be encoded to the selected outputs.
After you do that, start encoding.

About Watch Folders

Watch folders are folders on your hard disk that are tied to presets. You can encode a file to all the presets contained in the folder.
To create a watch folder, go to the Watch Folders window, then click the Add Folder icon.

You will then see the Chose a Folder to Watch dialogue box.

Choose a folder, then press the Select Folder button.
You can then see the folder in the Watch Folders window.

Now you can drag presets from the Preset Browser and drop them onto the folder.

Exporting to Tape

You can also export your project to DV videotape. However, before you do this, you must connect the device to your computer with a FireWire connection.
Once it is connected, you are ready to begin.
Turn your device on. Set it to VTR, VCR, or Play.
Go to File>Export>Tape (DV/HDV).
Set your options.
Click Record for DV devices or Render and Record for HDV devices.